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Children Education and Vastu: My Personal Experience!

Children Education and Vastu

Children Education and Vastu

Children’s Education and Vastu: My Personal Experience

Education is a crucial topic for every parent. We all want our children to excel in studies, be focused, and achieve success. We make every possible effort for this – we enroll them in good schools, arrange for their tuition, and motivate them. But do you know that Vastu Shastra can also play a significant role in children’s education?

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science that explains how directions, building construction, and interior decoration impact our lives. According to Vastu, the home environment influences children’s mental and intellectual development. A home with positive Vastu promotes concentration, learning ability, and positive thinking in children.

Creating a Conducive Learning Environment with Vastu

Let’s explore how we can incorporate Vastu principles to create a favorable learning environment for children:

1. Study Room Placement:

  • The best directions for children to study are the east or northeast. The east direction represents sunrise, bringing positive energy and enhancing concentration. The northeast direction is associated with the goddess of knowledge, Saraswati, who boosts learning ability.
  • Avoid constructing the study room in the south direction. The south direction can cause excessive heat and fatigue, leading to decreased concentration.
  • The room’s shape should be square or rectangular. Irregularly shaped rooms can create restlessness in children.

2. Study Room Environment:

  • The study room should have proper ventilation and adequate lighting. Natural light is beneficial for the eyes and improves concentration.
  • The room’s color should be light and calming. Light green, yellow, or cream colors help keep the mind calm. Minimize the use of deep or bright colors.
  • Avoid cluttering the study room with excessive furniture or belongings. Clutter disrupts concentration.
  • You can place pictures of Ganesha or Saraswati Mata, the deities of knowledge and wisdom.
  • Soothing background music can also aid in concentration.

3. Ideal Direction for Studying:

  • While studying, the child should face the east or northeast direction. This provides them with positive energy and enhances concentration.
  • Avoid facing the south direction. It can induce drowsiness and hinder concentration.

4. Additional Vastu Tips:

  • The study room’s doors should open and close smoothly. Avoid broken handles or obstructions on the doors.
  • Do not use a broken chair or an uncomfortable chair at the study table. This can cause discomfort and disrupt concentration.
  • Place the computer or laptop in the northwest direction.
  • The bookshelf can be placed in the south or west direction.
  • Avoid keeping TVs or video games in the study room. These can divert children’s attention from studies.

My Personal Experience

I am a working professional with a daughter named Ananya. She is currently in the tenth grade. Ananya has always been a bright student, but in the past few months, I noticed a decline in her interest in studies. She would get tired quickly and struggle to concentrate on her studies. I became concerned.

Then, a relative introduced me to Vastu and explained how Vastu Shastra can positively impact children’s education. I took their advice and made some changes in Ananya’s room.

  • First, we changed the color of Ananya’s room. Previously, the room was painted dark blue, which we replaced with a light yellow color.
  • We placed a beautiful picture of Saraswati Mata on the east wall.
  • We moved Ananya’s study table from the south wall to face the east direction. The table was slightly slanted, so we replaced it with a new one and a comfortable chair.
  • We removed unnecessary items from the room and placed the bookshelf in the west direction.
  • We ensured adequate natural light in the room and used well-lit lamps during the evening.

Within a few weeks of these minor changes, I started noticing positive results. Ananya became more focused on her studies. She no longer tired quickly and had regained her confidence in her studies. Her exam results also improved.

This is my personal experience. I am not claiming that Vastu was the sole reason for Ananya’s success. Her hard work and dedication undoubtedly played a significant role. However, adopting Vastu principles undoubtedly created a positive environment for Ananya and aided her studies.

Final Thoughts

It is not necessary to adhere strictly to every Vastu rule. Every house has its unique layout, and it may be challenging to follow every Vastu guideline precisely. However, even minor changes can help you create a supportive learning environment for your children. Instead of viewing Vastu as a complex science, consider it a helpful tool for your children’s development.

Remember that the most crucial aspect of children’s education is their hard work, dedication, and practice. Vastu can be beneficial, but it is not the sole path to success.

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